Recently I needed a simple TCP/UDP port redirector and stumbled upon this Stackoverflow post. As usual I wasn’t first wanting to this without using iptables.

There were several alternatives, but since my target was embedded with limited amount of RAM and flash I wanted something really small. So the best fit turned out to be redir, which unfortunately only could handle TCP connections. This is what led me to write uredir to complement redir. Eventually I ended up adoptiing redir as well, which meant giving it a bit of a facelift and to give them both the same look and feel.

Currently they are two separate applications, which in some use-cases can be beneficial (small size), but I may in the future transplant the UDP functionality of uredir into redir. We’ll see, right now though I have several other projects to attend to :-)


To redirect port 80 to a webserver listening on loopback port 8080, remember to use sudo when using priviliged ports:

sudo redir :80

To run redir from a process monitor like Finit or systemd, tell it to not background itself and to only use the syslog for log messages:

redir -n -s :80

An /etc/inetd.conf line of the same looks very similar:

http  stream  tcp  nowait  root  /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/bin/redir -n -s -i

When running multiple instances it can be useful to change how they identify themselves. The following starts an NNTP and a POP3 port redirector, named accordingly.

redir -I nntp www:119 netgate:119
redir -I pop3 ftp:110 netgate:110

uredir works much in the same way, but also has a few UDP specific features from the early days of the Internet:

uredir                   # Echo mode

An /etc/inetd.conf example:

snmp    dgram   udp wait    root    /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/bin/uredir -i

See the README and man pages for each of the two commands for more information. Enjoy!