Brief libev update

- 1 min read
I have now updated the libev examples. It took me a while, but during that time I have been hard at work converting two of our network daemons to use libev. As of today the upcoming Westermo WeOS uses libev in both its rstpd and igmpd implementations. Updated example code: timer test message queue test Enjoy, and feel free to [contact me][6] if you have any questions or comments on the code.

The Marvellous libev

- 3 mins read
A very good friend mine recently told me about a neat event library, libev. Usually when he drops me links like that it takes me a couple of years to react and finally adopt. This time it only took me about a month. He has actually showed me lots of very useful stuff throughout the years, and even though we used GNU/Linux at university, he was one those hard core people who showed me the path into a successful full-time career as a Linux developer.

Why I Like C

- 1 min read
I thought I was alone, but it turns out I’m not. Scott James Remnant describes exactly what I’ve been feeling the last couple of years. Read his blog entry on the subject. I couldn’t agree more.

Link Collection 2009-02-28

- 1 min read
This makes it possible to debug why a disk needs to spin up, and to increase battery life even more. Dislike NetworkManager? Try wicd … Minimalistic distro Crush Bang Linux 8.10 Ah, what every FLOSS dad is looking for, a way to make your kids interested in your world instead of the dark side, and what is better than to trick them into it with a cool Linux game? Read Uwe Hermann’s blog about Teeworlds, or visit the home page.

Reminder to Self

- 1 min read
How to recode AVI-files to be able to write them to a Video CD. ffmpeg -i original.avi -target pal-vcd copy.mpg vcdimager -t vcd1 -l "Title" -c vcd.cue -b vcd.bin copy.mpg cdrdao write --device /dev/cdrw vcd.cue Note: vcdimager is able to take multiple .mpg files as argument, very useful when burning multiple family videos to the same disc! Tip from Johan Risberg on how to be able to reattach a UTF-8 Linux screen session from Cygwin.

Netork Programming -- Link Collection

- 1 min read
This is a first effort at collecting information about network programming structs and APIs available in UNIX. I plan on updating this as I find more. Linux Journal: Linux Network Programming, Part I, II, III. Linux Journal: Multicast Routing Code in the Linux Kernel Linux Journal: Inside the Linux Packet Filter, Part I, II /usr/include/netinet/in.h There are of course, in addition to these fine sources, the entire catalogue of work by Richard M.

Minix editline v0.3.0

- 1 min read
It’s here! Fresh, new and packed with new features! Well, really just one new major feature — support for ANSI arrow keys. A good enough reason to bump the minor version number :-) Get it from the usual FTP location:

The joy of colors

- 1 min read
Ever so often, as I have mentioned before, I lose myself in trying to find new ways of working and doing my daily tasks. One such digression is the topic of editors. I mainly use GNU Emacs for development and other major tasks, for everything else I use Vim. Vim is quick to start, capable, good looking and easy to use, contrary to other vi implementations. (Most notably nvi, which I hate with a passion!

Minix editline v0.2.2

- 1 min read
Oups, it seems I forgot to announce the v0.2.2 release of the Minix editline library! It was made official in Bazaar over a month ago, 2008-10-02, but it was not until today that the tarball was created and uploaded to the FTP. The most noteworthy in this release is support for command completion with the addition of rl_complete() and rl_list_possib(). Two function pointers that easily can be overloaded by the user.

Ubuntu 8.10rc1 — NetworkManager WTF?!

- 1 min read
I tried upgrading from Hardy Heron to Intrepid Ibex this weekend. Big mistake. If I disregard the total dpkg meltdown that I, as usually, had to resolve manually there still remains this recurring madness called Network Manager. I’m an engineer. I have a masters degree in computer engineering. I have worked professionally with GNU/Linux since 2000 and been a die hard user of it since I left OS/2 behind in 1996.