HowTo: Building Debian/Ubuntu Kernels

- 1 min read
I have been over this topic so many times now, strangely enough I’ve managed to make things more complicated than they need to be. It’s really this simple: $ wget $ tar xfj linux- $ cd linux- $ zcat /proc/config.gz >.config $ make menuconfig [Tweak to your hearts desire] $ fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd kernel_image $ dpkg -i ../linux-image- [DONE!] You may, of course, need to tweak the file /etc/kernel-pkg.conf, but there are man pages for that.


- 1 min read
Yep, we finally did it, we bought ourselves a house. Last year in October we moved from our small three-room flat in central Västerås to the new house in Skultuna. Everything went really fast from finding it up for sale, deciding on it down to getting a loan and moving in. Worst part of it all was getting a decent broadband connection. We actually moved from a 100 Mbps dedicated copper line to a 24/2 Mbps ADSL line.

Top Ten UNIX Shell Commands

- 2 mins read
Current trend is to run the following one-liner from IBM. I’m usually logged in to the following three systems, with very different results. $ history |awk '{print $2}'|sort|uniq -c|sort -nr|head -10 144 ls 61 cd 58 sudo 29 less 23 emacs 19 bzr 16 vim 11 rm 10 wget 10 mv My personal life. Not much different from my professional dito. Most visible difference maybe is my use of bzr instead of svn.

Aaaah, the fish got a facelift! :)

- 1 min read
This is just great! Wanda the fortune telling fish of the Gnome desktop got herself a face lift. Take a look at this: Add her new look to your applet by copying the file to /usr/share/gnome/panel/pixmaps/. Select it in the applet preferences and use 8 frames and 0.3 seconds per frame.

Test posting using blosxom

- 1 min read
First try to consolidate on using an already working implementation of a blog script rather than writing my own. I’m trying out Blosxom, which is somewhat overkill for my needs. I actually wrote up a simple Perl script a couple of weeks ago that did what I wanted, oh well, what remains now is to do some Emacs hacks to smooth things over a bit.


- 1 min read
Yes, bilen gick igenom besiktningen!

Atari ST(E) Emulation with Steem

- 1 min read
This is is really great! Today, on my 32nd birthday I found a really golden piece of software - Steem - even though it’s not free software, it has a Linux port which runs almost all of my alltime Atari ST classics: Thrust, Virus, Speedball I & II, Xenon I & II, Great Giana Sisters, The Union Demo, The “Oh crikey what a scorcer” demo, Nebulus and lots more! Since today is also my birthday I received a gift.

Bromsbyte Passat

- 5 mins read
Igår bytte jag bromsskivor på vår gamla Passat Variant -00. Det var definitivt dags efter över 15000 mil så var skivorna och beläggen så slitna att tom. Bilprovningen nog hade klagat i år. Dessutom var det fjärde service:en som VW-verkstaden tyckte det var dags att byta. VW var mer än villiga och gav mig ett anbud på 5500:- vilket jag var väldigt nära att nappa på. Efter en liten reality check så insåg jag dock att vi inte skulle ha råd med det, så jag fick loss delar från Mekonomen för 2400:- och började själv …

make-kpkg and dirty modules

- 1 min read
Dammit, tonight I spent too many hours chasing down a “feature” in the Debian kernel build process or the Linux-2.6 kernel. I haven’t yet deciced who to blame ;-) Here goes: when you build the latest Linux 2.6 kernel, checked out from the git repository, with make-kpkg you should make sure to uncheck the CONFIG_LOCALVERSION_AUTO option in the kernel config before hand. It’s under “General setup” → “Automatically append version information …”.

Quick Note

- 1 min read
About that /etc/network/interface autoconfig thingy: it’s almost done. Works perfect … at work (connected) and at home (wireless). I need to fine tune the tests, I think, to get the connected stuff to work at home too. The problem seems to be that the test to see if the machine is connected at home is that the MAC it looks for to ID the office network also is available from home, via the VPN.