Welcome to this blog, I’m Joachim Wiberg1! It serves as a tribute to
my childhood friend Henrik Flordal, for inspiring me to become a hacker.
The nick is also the first password I got to a Linux server (Henrik’s),
back in 1995. I set this up ages ago in an attempt to apologize for my
DDOS:ing his server because I had yet to learn about /etc/motd
. We
have not spoken since, unfortunately 💔
So yes, I’m a huge Linux and UNIX nerd. Ever since my first job, after graduating from MdU, I’ve (only) been running Linux on almost all my machines (some run BSD or UNIX though) including work. In the beginning (1998-2000) it was hard, and even actively discouraged by management and IT departments, but I persevered (made them see the light) and got Linux into many organizations over the years 💪
For a very long time I worked at Westermo R&D as a software architect for WeOS, a Linux-based network operating system for switches and routers that I created 2005-2007 for them, which since has grown up considerably 🤯
Today I work at 🖧 Wires in Västerås, Sweden, as a software architect and embedded systems consultant. My specialty is networking solutions and embedded Linux, preferably based on Infix or Buildroot. I spend most of my waken time on the KernelKit projects, primarily Infix NOS. This time around, the OS is based on Buildroot and completely modeled with YANG.
My spare time is spent with my kids and cat, but I also maintain quite a few Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) project. For example, Finit, Inadyn, pimd, pimd-dense, mrouted, SMCRoute, sysklogd, uftpd, and more at GitHub.
My GPG key fingerprint is 4A11 E139 3486 34EF 499C ECAC ECA8 26A3 7B6C 7409
. Fetch it from a key server using:
gpg --recv-keys ECA826A37B6C7409
You can find my online resume here, or download the PDF.
You may have known me previously as Joachim Nilsson. ↩︎