This is a rant about something I recently found to be a long standing battle line in the world of programming, Lau78. The event vs thread based approach to programming. As rants go I do not aspire to deliver a clear or logical message, what so ever. It’s basically just something I need to get off my chest.

It was not until 2007 I first learned about the event based approach to programming and event libraries like libevent and libev. Up until that point the silver bullet everyone was using was … Threads.

I don’t really know when it all started, maybe it was the Linux revolution, the first NPTL release with GLIBC, Java or Solaris. Nevertheless, from my point of view it was sometime in the mid 90’s during my time at university that the use of threads was starting to become prevalent.

I had a gut feeling there was something really wrong with using threads for every conceivable program, but I could not find a way to express it, so I chugged away with my threads, semaphores and condition variables. I convinced myself I was happy like this.

Of course I knew about the event based approach, but it was more or less dismissed as a thing of the past, a while(1) loop to mimic the behavior of PLC’s. So almost every program I wrote, and every program I took over from others, were like Indiana Jones types of mazes full of deadlocks and race conditions.

I thought I did something wrong, and so did many others like me. I spent days and nights trying to understand, refactor, and redesign threaded programs. What I found was a doubt that the thread based model actually didn’t suit every problem, Ous96. There are quite a few domains, however, where thread based models shine. Usually in languages that come with thread support built-in, like Erlang.

Most of the programs I work with today are network daemons. Meaning they are essentially message based applications that spend a lot of time waiting for an event to occur: receiving a data frame, waiting for a timer to expire, a signal to be raised, etc. Of course threads can be used for this, but it is a lot simpler to employ an event based framework instead. Also, they are all written in C for speed and portability between different UNIX systems. For that domain, where I currently make my living, it will be difficult to convince me to ever look at threads again.